
Game-Based E-Learning! Is This A Good Option For Learning

Every human being is learning continuously. They are learning from what they see, what they do, and what is happening around them. There is a wide exchange of information and during exchanging we are learning. Learning has basically become more formal when one starts learning anything specifically by going to school, classes or persuing any specific courses. Learning has evolved overtimes. From learning with books to learning using internet learning methods have changed a lot. There are many new learning strategies one of them is game based e learning.

What is Game-based learning?

Game-based learning is woven into the games. Learners get involved in the games they play and they learn. Gemes promote fun and social interaction and at the same time, it provides the learner knowledge without any pressure on them. In such learning, a player plays the game in order to learn something. they play games and in the end, they learn things. Learners explore problems and solutions for the problems. They try to make strategies that make the brain work faster and more active. The game based e learning ­integrates the games in the process of learning where the player has to achieve the specific learning objectives once they finish the game. The games are designed in a way where a person uses the brain and creat many strategies in order to learn and find the solution to the given problem.

How to design a successful game based e learning Strategy

Interactivity is important

Learners should be interested and engaged in the game they are playing in order to learn. If they are not interested they will not be able to learn. The situations should be relatable in the game for connecting the player. For better learning, it is important that the player can easily relate to the characters and situations. This will motivate the player to participate actively and stay focused on the goals.

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It should be challenging not frustrating

If the game is easy, the player will easily play and win the game and will not be learning. The player will be bored too. so it is an important game that should be a bit challenging and have many problems that make the player use their skills and strategies without getting bored. They will learn in this process. But there is a fine line between challenging and frustrating. The game should be challenging but not frustrating. So before making the game make sure about the skills, taste, and preferences of the player.

Nowadays there are many different e learning mobile applications available for learners. This mobile application allows the learner to use their knowledge and skills and win the game in their first attempt. This is fun and games based e-learning encourages the player to solve problems and use the strategies and imaginations to play as the character and learn. Also, the games provide effective knowledge that doesn’t make the learner feel bored, frustrated or exhausted. They learn with fun and enjoy the game as well.

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