How To Naturally Increase Your Human Growth Hormone

How To Naturally Increase Your Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?

Sleep Longer

About 70 to 80% of your production of your growth hormone occurs while you are sleeping 7 to 9 hours in a row (either day or night), but for you to get the best results, you must have a deep, peaceful sleep , repairing and re-energizing.

So for you to be able to sleep better,

Don’t Eat 2 To 3 Hours Before Bedtime

Your insulin levels should be kept as low as possible before bedtime, so you can produce more HGH growth hormone while you sleep:

Less HGH is produced when insulin levels are high.

More HGH is produced when insulin levels are low.

Do not confuse insulin with blood sugar.

Controlling blood sugar levels, avoiding sugary processed foods, is more related to burning fat and building muscle.

Anything you eat (healthy or not) causes your body to release insulin, and to tell the truth,

In some cases, protein-rich foods cause your body to release more insulin.

Instead of doing radical things like starving for a long period of time to cause a decrease in your insulin levels, and thus increase your HGH growth hormone levels.

Make A Temporary Fast

Intermittent fasting so you can increase your growth hormone levels.

The longer you are fasting or stop eating things that cause your body to release insulin, then,

The lower your insulin levels and the higher growth hormone your body will produce, but,

Do intermittent fasting which is easier where you only have to fast between 14 and 20 hours per day.

Do Intense Exercises

Something called “exercise-induced growth hormone response” or EIGR for its acronym in English. Studies indicate that to cause a higher EIGR or to produce higher levels of HGH growth hormone after exercise you should do intense exercises that involve your whole body, so,

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Weight training routines that contain compound exercises such as clean & press, bench press, funds, push press and dominated.

High intensity interval exercises such as scissor jumping routines, ski passes, mallet strokes or rope battle could give you a greater increase in growth hormone after your exercises.

Isolation exercises such as pulley extensions for triceps or bicep curls and cardio activities with low to moderate intensity such as walking or cycling will probably also increase your HGH levels,

Only not at the same significant levels that can be obtained if you do the compound exercises that work the entire body and intervals, and,

Depending on your level of physical fitness you should not do intense exercises every day.

Combine Points 4 And 5

You can increase your HGH levels due to the combination of the benefits of low insulin and higher EIGR:

You can exercise early in the morning, because after getting up your insulin levels are lower, or if you are fasting intermittently.

You can exercise to end your fast (before breaking your fast at noon for example) just when your insulin levels are at their lowest point.


Lose Weight

The more overweight you are:

You are more likely to have higher insulin levels. why,

Your body has probably become resistant to insulin, which basically means that,

Your body does not do a good job of removing excess insulin, and as you already know,

When you produce too much insulin, you produce less HGH hormone, so If you lose weight, you will help make your body less resistant to insulin, but no matter what your weight,

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You can prevent insulin resistance by avoiding sugary processed foods as much as possible. Apart from that, you can also get along with hgh humatrope 72 iu to get some extra boost with your growth hormone levels. But please ask the HRT Specialist first.

Make Your Body Produce L-Dopa

Levodopa stimulates your Pituitary gland to release more growth hormone, and to make your body produce more L-dopa,

You can supplement with natural sources of L-Dopa such as Mucuna pruriens and / or you can add beans and velvet beans to your diet, just as Hannibal Lecter did.

Clean Your Liver

Almost all of the growth hormone benefits such as fat burning, muscle building and anti-aging benefits come directly from the liver because,

All of the growth hormone HGH that your body releases is absorbed by the liver and transformed into IGF-1, so even if your body is producing more than enough HGH.

You will never experience the benefits of the HGH hormone if you have a fatty liver, a non-alcoholic fatty liver or a poorly functioning liver. So, to clean your liver,

Laugh More

A study from the Loma Linda School of Public Health in California says that laughter can increase your growth hormone levels by 87%.

“Blood taken from experimental subjects just after watching a funny video contained 87% more human growth hormone compared to that of a group that did not watch a funny video.”

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