Innovative way of Promoting: Lift Door Advertising

Innovative way of Promoting: Lift Door Advertising

Advertising is an activity to promote a brand for generating profit. The lift door advertising is the new way of promoting your product in the market. This concept was almost unknown in India and got establish in 2017. It is the new and innovative way of promotion.You can use this method to advertise your brand or product in the market because it is trusted and unique. Elevator marketing is useful and it has many benefits and importance. It is highly impactful. Lift ads get full attention of the users as there is nothing else to look at.


The purpose is same just like other forms of advertising. The aim is to target all the people entering in an elevator. People can’t close their eyes all the while being in the elevator. The results are pretty good. Elevator advertisement entertains people and attracts them. People get bored in 2 minutes and when they see creative lift ads, they will definitely get attracted towards those ads which are great for the marketing.

The owner of the product can decide where the product will be displayed whether inside the door or outside the door. The methodology is very simple and unique.

How it is better from other form of advertising?

It captures the audience which is unreachable and even the audience which is not targeted. It catches the attention of one and all. It is cost-effective as it doesn’t demand much amount like other forms of advertisements. Advertisers can have full attention of audience while they in the lift or waiting for it. It does not even get damaged like other advertisements. It stays long comparatively to the other forms. These ads cannot be turned off like other ads or can’t be damaged like posters or pamphlets though they are viewed by people more than once in a day who use lift constantly.

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Lift door advertising is effective in shopping malls, institutions, Multi-national companies, and entertainment complexes. Many businessmen use this method for promotions and it tends to be effective and useful. There are many ways of advertisements but this method has become frequent in recent years. There is no better option than this to get large number of audiences. You must try it; you will surely receive efficient results. It is beneficial as it iscost-effective and captive. The impressive effects are undeniable by the advertisers. Creativeness is the key in advertising. The industry has changed and it is important for the advertisers to understand the changes to give a high impact on their targeted audience. Context is highly depended on the creative work as it shifts the recognition of audience.

Creative lift ads provide many designs and it is in the hand of business owner to choose an appropriate design for their product promotion. Lift ads are affordable. Though it is a digital method of advertising but still it is cost effective. Competitors are becoming more and more efficient towards the marketing strategy. These ads are put for a substantial period of time.

Hence, this new innovative way of promotion is very effective and efficient.